Saturday, October 20, 2007

Week 4 (Continued)

Week Three - Photos & Images
Flickr was certainly new to me but I think it is great because I always wanted a site where I could publish my photos of London and have my friends and relatives have easy access.

Flickr Mashups are yet to be explored.

I Can't believe we're on week 4

WOW ! It's been 4 weeks since I started Learning 2.0.
This week is a catch up week for me because although I have been actively reading through the stuff and looking at things like Flickr and posting some pictures on it I haven't been blogging about it. I understand from my friend Karen that that's what I was supposed to do. Oh Well here goes.

Week One - Finding out about the program started for me months ago when I attended the library program where the concept was introduced. Then in April, my colleague at Forest Hills Karen Keys mentioned that we would be running the program at Queens. As I said then and I'll repeat now I think it is a great program and will not only lead to more knowledgeable staff but also increase the camaraderie among them. I think it has done both.

As one who has always been interested in lifelong learning I found the concept of a LEARNING CONTRACT interesting and useful. The idea of thinking about the obstacles one might encounter and thinking of methods of overcoming these obstacles.

Week Two - Setting up the Blog & Registering it.
This was relatively easy with a little help from my friends.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Me in London

This is my first attempt at uploading a picture to my blog. Luckily I had the help of my niece Jacqueline!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Day 2

Today I changed the template for my blog because I didn't like the colors of the old one. This seems better to me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day One

This is great !! In just 9 weeks I will learn 23 1/2 things and be dragged from the stone age into the 21st Century!
I am enjoying the experience.